This device contained four seismometers powered by two panels of solar cells, which converted solar energy into electricity. The experiment measured lunar shock waves caused by moonquakes or impacts of meteoroids or of manmade objects on the surface. Data regarding the strength, duration, and approximate direction of the seismic event were relayed to receiving stations on Earth. The seismic instrument package continued sending data for about a month after the Apollo 11 landing.The seismic experiments left on the surface by the crews of Apollo 11 and five later Apollo missions continued to return valuable information even after the end of the Moon landings; the last one was shut off in 1981.

Apollo 11 astronaut Aldrin stands just to the side of the passive seismic experiment just after completing deployment of the instrument. The LRRR may be seen in front of Aldrin.

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Racing to Space
The Moon decision
To reach the moon
Apollo 11
Later Apollo missions
What we learned about the Moon
After the Apollo Program

©National Air and Space Museum
Created: 7/99