As shown in this training exercise, the LRV was stored in a compartment on the descent stage of the lunar module. The wheels folded under the chassis for storage. Once on the Moon and after releasing storage restraints, astronauts unfolded the rear section and lowered it to the surface. After the front section was similarly prepared, the astronauts released the LRV from the Lunar Module. The seats were then unfolded and two antennae, the communications unit, and the television camera were attached to the vehicle. After the astronauts loaded their lunar tools on the rear, they were ready to begin operations.

Just after unloading the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan accidentally knocked off the right-rear fender extension. He taped it back on but it fell off later, and the wheel kicked a plume of fine lunar dust over the rover and its occupants. At the suggestion of technicians on Earth, Cernan and lunar module pilot Harrison Schmitt taped together several plastic-coated map sheets to make a replacement fender extension. Shown here are a spare wheel and fender and a fender extension brought back from Apollo 17, and the replacement for the extension made of map sheets and tape on the Moon.

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©National Air and Space Museum
Created: 7/99