An Apollo spacecraft carried three hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells in the service module. Each unit contains 31 individual fuel cells connected in series and operates at 27 to 31 volts. Normal power output is 563 to 1420 watts, with a maximum of 2300 watts. Primary construction materials are titanium, stainless steel, and nickel.
Manufacturer: Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division of United Aircraft Corporation

A Gemini spacecraft carried two hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell battery sections in its adapter/equipment section. Each battery section contains three stacks of fuel cells with plumbing. The stacks are connected in parallel. and can be switched in and out of use individually. Each stack has 32 individual cells connected in series and produces about 490 amperes at 23 to 26 volts. Maximum power output per battery section is about one kilowatt.
Manufacturer: General Electric Corporation

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Apollo 11
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What we learned about the Moon
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©National Air and Space Museum
Created: 7/99