Making A Transparent Image

                To make a transparent gif (GIF89A) out of a nontransparent gif (GIF87A) we will use LViewPro. As an example we will use the following image:

Non-Transparent GIF

                Step 1: Open the image you want to make transparent in LViewPro.
Step 1
                Step 2: Select Retouch and Background Color
Step 2
                Step 3: From the Color Palette form select the Dropper
Step 3
                Step 4: Move Dropper onto the image and select the color you want to be transparent.
Step 4
                Step 5: Select File and Save As
Step 5
                Step 6: And save the image as a GIF89A format.
Step 6
                The new image will look like this ...
Transparent GIF
                It should be pointed out that some editting of the image may be needed before make your transparent GIF...

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