my home email is agbell@comcast.net
my work email is andrew.bell@itt.com
my Stevens email is abell@stevens.edu
Hello, my name is Andrew G. Bell (Andy). I work at ITT SSD
(Space Systems Division) in Fort Wayne, Indiana as an electrical engineer for the last 19 years.
I have designed space electronics for
POES and
GOES which
are Meteorological (weather) Satellites. Prior to ITT I worked at
(for 6 years) in Pittsfield, MA on numerous defense related programs. I graduated from
(now UMass at Dartmouth) in 1982 with a BSEE and from
in 1985 with a MSE.
I have a Greenbelt (2004) from the University of Michigan. I am also in the process of getting
my VBSS Black Belt through ITT.
I have three children Nathan 23, (an English Major grad from IU), Jonathan 19, (a Biochemistry Major freshman at IU),
and Elisabeth 14, (our baby who is a freshman at R. Nelson High School Snider) and have been
married to my wife Linda for 29 years. (Met her at a christian rock festival in '78 when I was in the USArmy.)
I just completed SYS632 and found the course to be really cool.
Andy factoids:
- Born Jan 1, 1954
- My 3 brothers, sister, mom and dad all have the same first name initial "A"
- Went to college on the GI Bill
- My wife Linda is from NJ

Our two dogs - Sam and Jerry
Samuel (Winston) Bell is a Golden Retriever and is very well behaved and obeys hand and verbal commands.
He loves tennis balls, he can actually lay on his back, balance a tennis ball in his two paws above his head and drop it into
his mouth. He is Linda’s best friend. Sam is eight years old. |
Jerry (Seinfeld) Bell is a Labradoodle (Labrador/Poodle –
a new breed) and is not trained, I think he has the recessive genes of both breeds. He is loveable but will eat just about anything.
Recently he ate a mechanical pencil and my watch. Don’t worry, he didn’t swallow the pencil and passed the watch wristband with no problems.
Jerry is three years old. |