The ascent stage is where the astronauts
ate and slept while on the Moon. It contains all of the electronic
equipment necessary for controlling both the decent stage and
the ascent stage during decent, ascent, and rendezvous. It also
contains all the environmental control and life support systems,
the docking apparatus, and the reaction control systems. It too
has an engine that was used to launch the astronauts from the
lunar surface and into orbit with the awaiting command module.
The last act of the lower decent stage was to serve as a launch
platform for the ascent stage. The ascent stage is physically
smaller than the decent stage. Because the decent stage was left
behind on the Moon, weight is shed, and fuel is conserved. The
lunar module gives us a good example as to how well John Houbolt
lunar rendezvous concept actually worked.
1Apollo 17 LM ascent stage in space. 74k
2 Apollo LM ascent stage
diagram. 120k
3 Apollo 11 LM ascent stage approaching CSM. 29k
4 Apollo 17 LM liftoff, ascent stage separation from descent
stage. 28k
Photo credits: NASA
14 Audio/Video
(requires free Real Player G2 plug-in)
14 liftoff, view from inside LM
Audio/Video credits: NASA