After the Apollo 1 accident, flame
proof blanketing was added to the lunar module's interior.
These modifications were not made to LM's 1 and 2, however,
because they were not to be manned rated. This is one important
way in which our lunar module differs from LM5, Apollo 11's
Eagle., but this difference is not visually apparent when
you look inside LM2. On the exterior, the only real differences
between LM2 and LM5 are a few panels which were made of different
materials, and thus have a different color to them. Also missing
from LM2 are the calibration marks on the Commander's (left)
window used for navigation during the descent to the lunar
surface, the optical alignment telescope, and the flight computer
(see interior photo).
degree panoramic view inside Lunar Module 2 (requires
MGI plug-in)

Above - interior view of Lunar Module 2. Smithsonian
Institution photo #15229 by Eric Long. All rights reserved.
74k jpeg
or Hi-res 349k jpg
Panorama 1 - fisheye panorama of Lunar Module 2 interior. (requires
MGI plug-in)~ 301k jpeg
Panorama 2 (not shown) - High-res
flat panorama image 1.6Mb
Panoramas 1 & 2 copyright 1999 Smithsonian Institution.
Panorama reproductions are not available.
and Image Use